Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Francisco and Nayeli

Mr and Mrs Francisco Martinez are a young couple with two children. His mother became ill with breast cancer. Soon afterwards, Mrs. Martinez was laid off from her work. They went to live for a time with his mother, and, upon return to Matamoros, discovered that thieves had broken into their small shed and had stolen all that they had—clothing, dishes, small pieces of furniture. A week later, Mr. Martinez returned to discover that someone had removed his aluminum roofing (to sell it for scrap). Mr. Martinez said, “All I could do was ask the dear Lord for help; and He did help us. Blessed be God.”

This is the 22nd house that was built, thanks to the generosity of the people of Our Lady of Sorrows, the goodness of the local community in Matamoros, and the strong goodness of Sr. Phylis and Sr. Sharon, Daughters of Charity, actual grace, each and every one.